Who would tell the kids they had to "inspect" their Halloween candy so it was safe.... and it would probably take til morning so they'd be better off just getting a good night's sleep? Hmm. I would never.
Who would hide the M&Ms and tell their kids they were all gone? Not me, but maybe Doug.
Would would ever plan on taking their kids trick or treating so they could steal their loot! Well, definitely not me!
And who would go to one of the busiest neighborhoods in town so their kids could get a load of goodies. Not me. But it would make sense that I would do such a thing since I live in the middle of nowhere. But, no, I wouldn't do that.
I'm all about the loot!!
ok...i'm def going to one neighbors house for trick or treat bc they give the kids diet coke!!! seriously...i'm stealing it from their bag. no sweeteners for my kids. i'll spare them the danger.
Are you coming into town for Trick or Treating? Come to our door...we'll hook you up with some good candy. ;)
Dan asked me what we were dressing up as for Halloween...he bought large regular sized candy bars to give away. Please come see us and save us from having to eat what's leftover.
Plus...I'm gonna dress him up as something. Maybe I'll have spiced Cider and munchies for when you're all done tricking and treating.
LOL! I think they should go trick- or-treating with Chad the Chicken.
I've read somewhere that M&M's aren't good for kids...only moms....I'm just saying!
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