10 Sobe Lifewaters
1 Box of Excedrin
2 Boxes Honey Nut Cheerios
2 CoffeeMate Creamers
Grand Total: $3.96
Sobe Water: on sale 10 for $10. I had five "buy one get one free" coupons. Plus, when you buy 10 at Target you get a $5 gift card. - All 10 for Free.
Two Boxes of HNC: On sale for $1.99. Had a coupon for $1 off each. $.99 each.
Two Coffeemate Creamers: On sale for $1.99. Coupon for $1 off each. $.99 each.
Excedrin: Buy one, get one free.
You're good!
What are you doing with all that money you're saving?
I'd like to say I'm tucking all that saved money away - but I seem to keep finding other areas where we need it.
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