Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stranded in the land of no internet

Help! I've (finally) moved to the middle of nowhere and have no access to the outside world! I'm going through withdrawals. There is a real problem here. I'm addicted. I'm an email addict, but they say the first step is admitting you have a problem. I admit it. Doug makes fun of me because I check my email all day long. I don't know why. The majority of my email is junk.(that's a hint to send me message) But, oh how exciting it is when I get an email from a friend! You all know what I'm talking about. So I made a special trip to town to get to my faithful friend, the computer.

This problem should be remedied tomorrow or the next day, so hang in there faithful readers. And sometime I will replace that picture of my heels with a new one - my heels are soft as a baby's - well you know.

The new house is great. I love it! I have been leaving the back door open til I go to bed so I can listen to the river. Its very quiet. And when I got up yesterday Doug said "Shhh. There's a turkey in the yard." I'm still not quite sure why I needed to be so quiet. There are boxes everywhere and I still can't find anything important, but it gives me something to do (as if I needed another thing).

We went to Spokane for the weekend and to Silverwood on Saturday. It was sooooo fun! The kids swam as soon as we got to the hotel and then swam all day at Silverwood and then swam (with the rest of the hotel kids) on Sunday morning before we left. I don't know how they do it. Brooklyn couldn't open her eyes in the sunlight because of all the chlorine burning her eyes. But a good time was had!


dawn klinge said...

I was wondering what happened to you! I'm so glad you had a great time at Silverwood. I was so disappointed not to go. Derek looked at the weather forecast and it said there would be thunderstorms...I'm glad for your sake that it wasn't true. Looks like we're going to try to go Thursday.

Queen Mimi said...

I've missed you, but so happy and content in knowing that my friend is in her Amazing home. I mean I Assume it's Amazing but I've never actually SEEN it. Someday I'll be worthy of a visit.
On a side note, so happy that the feet are soft and that the photo of their former life has been moved down the page a little.
Love ya D!