But here's my heel. And I have another one that looks equally disgusting. (That little red spot is where the shoes I bought tore into my heels. They don't sell a size 11 in this town!)

Its my summertime feet. I can't stand to have shoes on my feet anytime of the year, but summer is even worse. I spend the warm months exclusively in sandals. On the rare occasion that I actually exercise, I wear tennis shoes. And sometimes I exercise in sandals, too.
This picture really doesn't do justice to the extreme crevices packed with dirt and grime. The skin catches on my sheets. It scratches my legs. I think I've even drawn blood on Doug's calves before. He hates my summertime heels and fully supports the pedicures. I think he wishes I would go weekly so they could scrape the skin off.
Speaking of that, the last time I went in for a pedicure the poor little Asian lady had chunks of skin flying over her shoulders as she was using the cheese grater to scrap my heels. I was a)embarrassed and b)possibly more grossed out than she was.
I'll see what kind of wonders they perform on my feet tomorrow. If its good, I'll post the "after." And if you have any miracle cure (besides wearing socks to bed) I'll take it!
Delena...you need to post a warning before you let people scroll down to that last picture! ;) Actually...my feet don't look very different. The Elements spa sold me some really strong mousse like stuff for my feet once- it cost an arm and a leg to buy it, but it worked pretty well.
hahahaha...I've witnessed the flying skin chunks in person.
I started using this stuff from Walgreens...exfoliating moisturizer...it's the consistency of anti-biotic ointment. If I use it daily, it's like watching a miracle happen. Seriously.
Have fun with the pedi.
I wish I could join you. I got myself one of those Pedeggs. I recomend it and give it 5 stars!
ok..you're grossing me out here...where's the AFTER shot?
I am cracking up at Dawn's comment. I am in Florida, where we wear flip flops 12 months a year. That means your feet never marinate in your own sweat while scrunched into a sock that is stuffed into a shoe (which, in turn, helps to get rid of that dry skin). So, we gotta be proactive! I love using this stuff called "like pumice."
you should get a pedegg...they are MIRACLE workers on heals!! I am not even kidding....you can get them at Target or Linens and Things I know for sure!
It is Time to update this. I'm serious here. Just type a whole bunch of Gibberish. TUOONbEMOohbsln
(like that)
It would be so much better than the feet. Did you get your Pedicure yet? Do they even HAVE places for Pedi's in Entiat?
sigh....miss you D.
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