That's 219,120 minutes.
Or 13,147,200 seconds.
This includes but is not limited to:
Three awesome kids
Five houses
Six cars
7 nieces and nephews
18 pets - three dogs, three cats, six ducks, five chickens and a goose
21 acquired in-laws
42 camping trips
365 days in jail with 364 suspended (Just kidding. Needed a filler)
Approximately 350,000 miles driven mostly together
Many, many horrible dinners that were gratefully eaten
Hundreds of naps together
Thousands of kisses
Millions of kind words (and a few not-so-kind)
And tons of fun. The funny thing is that 13,186,800 seconds ago I thought I really loved him. Ha! Who knew I could love him even more. So, to the one who NEVER reads my blog, I love you! Happy Anniversary.