Tonight a family friend dropped off two motorcycles for the kids to learn on. I wasn't exactly excited about this as just prior to the man arriving, Brooklyn took the three-wheeler over the bank and heading straight for the river. In fact, she was drying her tears as motorcycle man pulled up. My personal opinion was that they should master the motorized vehicle with three wheels before we put them on one with two. But apparently I'm the only one around here who feels this way.
I will admit that after seeing the little 50cc motorcycle and all the accompanying gear AND THE KILL SWITCH ON A TETHER ATTACHED TO AN ADULT AT ALL TIMES my mind was put at ease.
So the kids all stuffed their adorable little faces into these helmets.

And away they went. Ty was up first. He and Brooklyn both did great.

I think I can live with this.
Your kids so look adorable on their motorcycles! There are so many "stretching"' experiences available to us as moms. Aren't there? It sounds like this was one for you. I had some hang ups about letting Trent start karate, but I'm glad I let him go with it now.
Shane is so excited to see these and I am so excited to see that adorably handsome smile on Ty's face. Love that little boy.
Well, we know what Ty DOES like to do. :) super cute....
you are a better, braver woman than I am...
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