An unplanned playdate turned into an impromptu dinner for one of my
favorite families. And the dessert around here this week has been s'mores. Tonight was no exception.

At first I thought that was drool. Upon further inspection, I beleive it is marshmallow.

Can't you just taste the goodness.
Do you have a special way of making s'mores?
Those faces are the picture of absolute happiness. :) Thanks for making it such a happy day for my family...we all had so much fun.
Those are cute pics! I love the look on your daughter's face - exactly the face I'd be making!
I LOVE LOVE LOV these and am so so sad I wont get to have them this year b.c of the graham crackers and gluten =(
what is it about s'mores? Maddie's face is pure sweet!
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