Saturday was the Free Kids Fishing day at the fish hatchery down the road. Some great friends joined us for the adventure.

The fish were definitely biting. The problem was that they kept stealing the bait! We would watch five or six fish come up to the bait, eat it and swim away. It was maddening.

Madelyn was the first to catch a fish. Not everyone caught their limit this year (we could only try for so long) but it was great fun standing on a steep, grassy hillside in the blazing heat, surrounded by half-dead fish and stinky bait, bugs nibbling on my rapidly progressing sunburn. (I was reminded again why I don't fish). I don't get it, really. But its fun to see the excitement on the

Cute pics! I don't really get the whole fishing thing either, but it's fun to see the kids/Dads get so excited.
Looks like a lot of fun Delena! My kids would love to do this. You asked about my curriculum for this coming year. I am doing My Fathers World Kindergarten and Adventures in My Fathers World. I am quite nervous about teaching Keegan to read. This is WAY less intense than SonLight and more hands on for the kids. I also can easily break it up into my work box system, always a must...Hope you are doing well!
Love your pics...the one of Maddie with her fish is great!! And that sweet one of our boys melts my heart. The smell of power bait along is enough to make me question fishing as a hobby...icky.
That looks like fun! Do you know that I have never been fishing??
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