So, you put the peanuts in the blender or food processor and add about 1T oil for each cup of peanuts and then add oil as needed to smooth it out. We're pretty used to natural PB without sugar, but this didn't quite taste the same. Could have used something, maybe some honey.
We decided to make cookies instead of PBJ sandwiches. Much better, if you ask me!
This was a very quick and easy recipe.
1 C PB
1 egg
1C sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Chocolate chips
Add first four ingredients together and form into little balls. Squish some chocolate chips onto the top. Bake at 350 for about 9-11 minutes or till slightly cracked on top. Don't overbake. Yummy!
It's about time you posted! :)
Sounds fun. See, all you homeschool moms are so clever and creative. I want to be one of you guys.
I wonder what's different in the natural pb. Did you try it with honey?
That's interesting that it was STILL less sweet than natural peanut butter - I wonder what causes that?
That's our standard chocolate chip cookie recipe, too! It's gluten-free....
Now that's REALLY making cookies from scratch! Maybe when you move out to the country you can even get the eggs from your own chickens ;) They're offering free chicks at VAL right now. That sounded like a really fun project for your kids.
those cookies look great! how fun for you guys.
come on slacker...get another post up! hehehe....I just miss you already!
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